Shape up for summer

Week 4: In the final part of this series, Gráinne Hagan offers seven more exercises to get you on track for your holidays

Week 4:In the final part of this series, Gráinne Haganoffers seven more exercises to get you on track for your holidays

THIS IS THE last week of your summer fitness programme. You should be feeling great about yourself now and full of energy. You might have noticed that you are sleeping better too. All benefits of a regular exercise programme.

As always, start with a warm-up. This should consist of five to 10 minutes of walking, running (up and down the stairs if you're at home), skipping or cycling. If all else fails, vacuum the house. At the end of your warm-up you should be starting to sweat as the heart rate rises.

1Front lunge and squat Stand with your feet shoulder-distance apart, holding the dumb-bells by your sides (if using). Inhale as you take a big step forward with your right leg and come up on the toes of your left leg. Bend your right knee and lower your hips as low as you can, or until your right thigh is parallel with the floor - the knee should be positioned over the ankle, not the toe. Exhale as you push through your right leg to return to the starting position.


Inhale as you take a step to the side with your right foot so that your feet are now shoulder-distance apart. Ensure your stomach muscles are tight and lower yourself down as low as you can, or until your thighs are parallel to the floor, keeping your knees over your ankles. Imagine you are trying to sit down on a chair that is just out of reach. Exhale as you reverse the movement back, pushing through your heels. Repeat 15 times on the same side before switching. Then repeat from the top once more.

2Dips Use a fixed step or sit on a chair (make sure it is secure and cannot move). Position your palms a little wider than shoulder-distance apart either side of your hips and your fingers pointed forward. Legs are bent at a 90-degree angle. Inhale as you slide your bottom off the chair and lower down as you bend the elbows, keeping them pointed behind you. Inhale as you push through the arms to return to the starting position. Keep your back straight and as close to the step or chair as possible. Look straight ahead throughout. Repeat 15 times, rest on the chair for 45- 60 seconds and repeat.

3Dumb-bell curl Stand with your feet hip-width apart (or you can sit on an exercise ball if you have one). Your arms are extended down by your sides, holding the dumb-bells, with palms facing outwards. Exhale as you tighten your stomach muscles and curl one dumb-bell at a time up towards your shoulders. Inhale as you slowly lower the dumb-bell, resisting the weight on the way back down to the starting position. Keep your elbows fixed in at your waist throughout.

Repeat with the other arm and continue alternating arms for 15 repetitions. Rest for 45-60 seconds and repeat.

4Triceps extension in shoulder bridge Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels close your bottom. Hold the dumb-bells over your chest, palms facing inwards. Push your hips up and squeeze your bottom until your knees, hips and shoulders are in a diagonal slope. Inhale as you slowly lower the dumb-bells down to either side of your head, keeping your elbows fixed. Exhale, as you reverse the arm movement to the start position. Hold the shoulder bridge position and ensure that you keep your elbow fixed in the same position throughout. Be careful not to hit yourself with the dumb-bells - as the muscles get tired, you are more prone to injury, so stay focused. Repeat the arm movement 15 times, rest for 45-60 seconds and repeat. (You can do the "dips" exercise above to work the triceps, but you must bring the hands closer to the side of the body in order to target this specific muscle - the movement is the same.)

5Upright row Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Arms are extended with dumb-bells at your thighs and palms facing inwards. Exhale as you draw your navel into your back and raise your hands upwards towards your chin, allowing the elbows to bend out to the sides. Keep the dumb-bells very close to the body and ensure your elbows stay higher than your wrists throughout. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position, resisting the weight on the way down. Don't allow your torso to move and keep your back straight throughout. (You can use your band for this exercise by standing up tall with the band securely under both feet. Hold each end firmly in your hands with your palms facing inward. Exhale as you tighten your stomach muscles and lift both hands upward towards the chin. Inhale as the arms extend back down to the starting position.)

6Plank This is a more challenging version of last week's exercise. Lie face-down with your hips and legs in contact with the floor, arms shoulder-distance apart with forearms resting on the floor and your upper body raised. Curling the toes under slightly, exhale as you raise your hips and knees so that they are in line - and not above - the shoulders. You will need to pull your navel into your back to support the spine. Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and your neck stays long by keeping your gaze fixed to the floor. Breathe normally throughout. If you are feeling it in your lower back, raise your hips slightly. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and then hold again for 45 seconds. Take 30 seconds' rest and, for the last time, try to hold for 60 seconds.

7Cat stretch Start in your box position, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep your gaze fixed on the mat so that your back and neck are in line. Exhale as you pull your navel up into your back and arch your back upwards, dropping your chin to your chest and tucking your tail bone under. Hold this position for two full breaths. Inhale as you slowly move back to the starting position. Repeat this stretch five times.

As always, warm down with stretches to help reduce muscle soreness, and take the next day off to allow your body to rest and recover. To raise your heart rate and increase fitness and weight-loss, increase the number of times you work out per week or increase the intensity of your workout. Always keep changing your activity so that the body is constantly challenged and has to adapt. This will also prevent you from getting bored. Your fitness programme doesn't have to stop here. Pack your band and take time out each day to do your workout. Running up and down a swimming pool a few times or swimming in the sea is a fun way to raise your heart rate while on holidays, so you can enjoy yourself and still feel great. Or you can start back at week 1 when your holidays are over and get back in shape in four weeks. Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy it.

• Gráinne Hagan is an Itec-qualified fitness instructor and a PowerHouse-qualified Pilates instructor.

• E-mail If you have any medical condition, check with your doctor before doing these exercises

• The fitness regimes from the past three weeks are available at